Platformer - Level 1 is a small 2D paltformer consisting of a single short level, set in a nice and smilling environment with frowning enemies. The goal is to earn score by collecting coins, eliminating enemies and avoiding your own elimination. The game is easy to learn and casual-friendly.

To control the ever-smilling character, use the arrow left and right keys to move left and right respectively, and the space bar (or the shift key) to jump. The cacti are checkpoints.

This game was created for a project in class at the Cnam.

It is free and open source, brought to you by Space Monkey and Witness Me Studio. Source code:


Platformer - Level 1-1_0_0-windows.exe 59 MB
Platformer - Level 1-1_0_0-linux.AppImage 80 MB
Platformer - Level 77 MB

Install instructions

For Windows: Download the .exe file (marked for Windows) in the folder you want you game to be in, and when it is done, double-click on the .exe file to execute it, and it is done!

For Linux: I'm not sure, but it should be the same process as for WIndows, only with an APPIMAGE instead of the .exe file.

For MacOS: I'm sorry but I don't know how it works. You should download then extract the folder, and then I suppose you should find an executable inside.

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